Appledore Parish Magazine
The village magazine has existed in its present format since 1960, before that it was a smaller church publication. In 1960 the then headmaster of the Village school, Mr Gerald Sweetman, expanded its content and it became the Village magazine. The aim was to distribute, without charge, to every household and to be self supporting financially through donations and advertising.
This still remains the case.
The magazine carries all the news concerning the village. It is open to all residents to contribute content and has the monthly reports from the Parish Council as well as all church activities, services etc. It carries the social calendar of the village which continues to be wide and varied indicating a very active village.
It is delivered to every household in Appledore and is therefore THE vehicle for disseminating important information to every resident. Flyers can be inserted at a small cost. We are happy to undertake printing of any material.
The magazine relies on a large number of Appledore residents to produce, collate and deliver each monthly magazine, all voluntarily. Currently the number of people involved totals 25.
Non residents wishing obtain a magazine can purchase one in the Village Shop or at the Church, or should you wish to have it mailed to you on a monthly basis this can be arranged for a small subscription.
Further information from The Editor email: