St Peter & St Paul Appledore

Dating from the early 13th century with 14th century additions, St Peter & St Paul Parish Church continues to be a focal point for Appledore.
Supported by churchgoers, the friends of the church and other local residents, St Peter & St Paul remains very much at the heart of the village, not only as a place of worship, but also as a conduit for charitable community services and a location for special events such as the annual Flower Festival.
The history of the building itself is well documented in a booklet originally written in 1986 by Sir John Winnifrith (a former Director General of the National Trust), it has been updated to include details of subsequent events and restoration and is available in the church.
Visitors to the church are most welcome and the church is open every day, it is a beautiful building, for quiet contemplation, or religious observation. While visiting, why not stock up with home made marmalade and chutney, available from ‘Produce in the Porch?’
Church services
Services at St Peter & St Paul change slightly each month. The normal pattern, to which all are welcome is:
1st Sunday 11am Morning Praise
2nd Sunday 11am The Eucharist
3rd Sunday 11am Celtic Morning Prayer
4th Sunday 11am The Eucharist
5th Sunday 11am Celtic Morning Prayer
Refreshments are served after our services to enable people to have a chat.
Please see the Parish Magazine or Church Noticeboard for further details or contact:
Team Rector: The Reverend Canon Lindsay Hammond, The Vicarage, Church Road, Tenterden
Team Vicar: The Reverend Jeanette Kennett, The Vicarage, Old Way, Appledore.