Appledore Methodist Church

The Appledore Methodist Church is in the centre of the village opposite the village Post Office and Stores. The Methodist Church in Appledore is also known as ‘The Chapel’ and ‘Appledore Christian Centre’.
The building dates from 1836 and so only another 20 years to our 200th Birthday! The rear part of the building is slightly younger and the bricks in the kitchen bear the initials of the Sunday School scholars who contributed money towards building the kitchen and ‘school’ rooms.
The church underwent a major refurbishment in 1988 which made the church more suitable for additional uses such as the coffee mornings and other gatherings as well as for services.
In addition to Sunday worship, the building houses the offices of CARM (caring altogether on Romney Marsh), Appledore Parish Church and Appledore |Good Neighbour Service. Meeting Point coffee mornings are held in the church every Tuesday.
Our Sunday services are at 10.30 a.m. and on a good day we have a congregation of 6. We have plenty of room for more! On the first Sunday of every month we join the congregation in the Parish Church. Revd. Tricia Fogden is our minister as well as being the Parish Priest. Our Superintendent Minister is Revd. Sam Funnell.