Appledore Local History Society
Established in 1989, by a group of enthusiastic residents, the Appledore Local History Society, (ALHS), has become the centre for the gathering, recording and maintaining of knowledge, in various formats, of life in and around the village of Appledore, Kent.
ALHS meets at 19:00Hrs, on the second Thursday of each month, to review and discuss items of interest, either from our archives, or items that have been newly presented to us for examination, digital copying and returning, or donated to us for permanent safekeeping.
We organise talks on subjects of local historic interest and visits to places of historic importance for our Members and Non-Members. We also arrange occasional Open Days to display items from our archives for review and examination by members of the public. Monies raised through these events, along with donations and grants, pay for our running costs and local projects that we undertake on behalf of the village. We also undertake assignments on behalf of people seeking to learn more about their family history as relates to Appledore, or the history of specific Appledore properties.
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the history of Appledore and the surrounding area.
Appledore has a rich and interesting heritage which goes back centuries. It encourages visitors and tourists to the village and provides a link for current residents to those who resided here before them.
The aims, objectives and obligations of the Appledore Local History Society are to:
· Provide a focal point for the regular gathering of residents interested in the history of the village and surrounding areas
· Facilitate the collection, collation and sharing of information and artefacts and to provide a safe repository for the benefit of future generations
· Build an extensive archive that might be developed into a local Heritage Centre*
· Welcome and inform new residents of the history of the village and surrounding areas
· Provide visitors to Appledore some basic facts that will enhance their knowledge of the village
· Establish heritage trails that will enrich the enjoyment of tourists to the village
· Undertake projects with a historic focus, that are of benefit to the local community
*Appledore Local History Society does not currently have a permanent home, since the sale of the Methodist Chapel for residential development. Temporary secure storage is utilised for our records and artefacts etc and meetings are held at a suitable, temporary location on Appledore Heath. We are actively seeking a plot of land with the potential for establishing a permanent, purpose-built facility.
For more Information on the group and updates on our activities visit our website here
Chair Brian Knight - T: 01233 758319 - E: thrkng@aol.com
Secretary Jo Killick - T: 01233 758405 - E: secalhs@gmail.com