
Appledore parish council employs a street cleaner to clear all the roads that fall within the 40mph limit within the parish, as a result Appledore is a picturesque village unspoilt by rubbish.
However there are areas where litter louts drop rubbish from their cars as they pass through and unscrupulous fly tippers use the quieter lanes to offload materials that should be taken to waste disposal centres. Nationally, littering occurs more frequently than all the street cleaning employees and volunteers can clear it up. It is quicker to throw rubbish out the window or off the back of a truck than to walk the roads and pavements picking it up. If you see any fly tipping please tell the clerk who will report it to Ashford Borough Council or you can report it yourself. For details of what and where to report look under the 'Don't' section below.
As part of Keep Britain Tidy Spring Clean, June 2021, delayed by the pandemic, a group of volunteers went out and walked the safer roads and footpaths in and around Appledore. An amazing 30 plus hours were given up with twenty adults and children involved. Another group activity is planned for Autumn and hopefully we will all be able to meet up afterwards for refreshments and a chat.
If you come across any litter and wish to dispose of it, you can, but please consider your safety and the
safety of those with you, for which you are responsible. Please also consider whether you are a danger
to road users. STAY SAFE!
Here are a few reminders of some do's and don'ts.
Have fun and just do as much as you feel you can. It does not need to be hours.
Take a drink and a snack.
Take your time and enjoy the countryside.
Be careful of unaccompanied dogs and other animals/snakes and do not stroke them
Take your family and make sure that there are enough adults to help keep any little ones safe. Areas away from roads such as a park is a sensible place to litter pick with children.
Take your mobile phone. Make sure there is someone able to collect you if you get tired.
Protect yourself – wear thick gloves, outerwear and sturdy shoes.
Be seen, wear a hi vis jacket.
Take extra bags or go back another day.
Make sure you know where you are going, take a map if not.
Take photos of you litter picking no matter how much and show your friends.
Go the extra mile and recycle what you collect, if possible.
Always wash your hands immediately upon returning home!
Don’t pick up anything heavy. Take care of your back!
Don’t go into water to collect rubbish, even in a ditch.
Don’t collect medical waste or syringes. Please take a photo and note the location to report it, if possible. Click here to report it
Don’t pick up hazardous material. Please take a photo and note the location to report it to the Environment Agency on 0800 731 2453.
Don’t pick up knives. Please take a photo and note the location to report it to the Police on 101.
If you see a large amount of fly tipping please leave it there and report it to Ashford Borough Council. Click here to go to the website