Appledore Gardeners' Society

Although there have been several horticultural organisations in the village over the last hundred years or so, the current Appledore Gardeners’ Society has recently changed its name back to the original of 1906. The club operates as a typical village horticultural society and, of course, is as much social as it is technical.
The Gardeners’ Society has talks on a wide variety of gardening subjects, quizzes and discussions. The Society also holds fund raising events for both its own needs and for other charities, both local and international.
We also have visits to gardens, and garden events as well as a summer garden party, an end of season lunch and a Christmas party.
Meetings are currently held in the Pavilion at the Recreation Ground. These meetings are generally in the evening of the last Wednesday of the month through the winter months. In the summer the visits are normally on a Wednesday or Saturday afternoon but sometimes include a night away.
The annual subscription currently at £10.00 each, together with fund raising, gives us sufficient funds to pay professional speakers. The AGM is at the end of January each year.
The Society has a Committee of seven members who organise events. These events (and the Committee) are chosen by members at the AGM.
All interested villagers are most welcome however small their plot of land. Indeed the only qualification required is that you like gardens, gardeners or gardening and may want to meet more village people in a social setting. This has enabled many new residents in the past to get to know a large number of people in Appledore, so we particularly welcome new residents.
This years events include:
More details from the Secretary and in the Parish Magazine.
Chairman Paul Ripley T: 01233 758410
Secretary Tessa Knight T: 01233 758319